Suppose you want to build a career for yourself in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. If so, then you may already be aware that you will have to undergo a training course, such as a TAE course. This ensures you will have the skills and qualifications according to the Australian job market standards to become a qualified trainer and assessor. 

Getting this certificate is not free, and it also takes time, which may discourage you from taking a TAE course. However, if you want to advance in your career in the VET sector, you will have to accept that you will have to take this course eventually. 

This blog has listed the top five reasons that will hopefully convince you why you should consider getting a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.


Top 5 Reasons to Take a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Getting the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment opens a wide range of employment opportunities for you. This only means that you can take on more jobs and earn a higher salary grade.

In fact, those who have already completed the training and assessment certification have already become flexible and skilled enough that they become trainers or subject-matter experts themselves in their respective workplaces. 

If you are still hesitant about whether you should take a TAE course and get certificate IV in training & assessment, here are more reasons to take a chance to hone your skills further. 

1. You will gain new skills

Through TAE courses, you will learn new theories alongside learning practical coursework. 

You will be taught how to create and construct educational programs while ensuring that these programs meet the requirements of students. In addition, you will also learn how to plan various and methods to conduct assessments. 

But the most important thing here is that through this training, you will be given an opportunity to take a look at your abilities and see how they can be of benefit to the industry you are in. 

2. You will hone new and existing talents  

Our talents are something that we can do naturally without exerting too much effort to execute them. However, even if you are born with these talents, you will still need to cultivate them so they will flourish. 

With the help of TAE courses, you will be given a chance to develop these talents to get ahead. You will also be taught how to become a self-starter, a personable individual who can be comfortable working with groups of people, and someone who is ready to take on change and challenges in the workplace.   

3. You receive career opportunities    

Once you have completed this training and earned this nationally approved trainer certificate, you can also work as an assessor, facilitator, or trainer yourself. You can do so either in a public or private facility. This is one of the ways on how you can apply what you have learned during the training and finally apply it to the real deal.  

Once you are certified, you can be a trainer or assessor for businesses, RTOs, and so on. Getting the Certificate IV Training & Assessment will definitely broaden your employment opportunities and enable you to take on more challenging tasks or earn higher pay. 

Other than becoming the trainer yourself, you can also work and start a career in government agencies, corporations, private organisations, publicly supported institutions, and public and private universities.   

4. You will develop your career

Many individuals take TAE courses to stay ahead of the competition in the job market since they have multiple credentials. Unfortunately, not every worker out there who is already doing the actual practical job has earned the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. 

That is why,some employees who have already previous experience and proven expertise in a certain profession may want to put a halt from the on-the-job aspect of their chosen career and go back to basics and theory so they can earn more qualifications to further develop their career.  

Taking the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment comes in helpful here as it also teaches both theory and practical coursework. And once you earn this certificate, you can also go back to the practical aspect of your profession, but you now have more qualifications, and it will be easier for you to level up and train people, too.  

5. You will be in demand

Individuals with a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment are constantly in demand in the job market. As we go forward, so does the economy as it becomes more and more thirsty for knowledge and education. And with that, the need for qualified trainers arises more than ever before.

Because of that, someone with a Cert IV TAE will definitely become a sought-after job applicant. This is because employers will no longer have to worry whether they have had enough safety certification training and possess the expertise to teach that qualification because they actually do. 

Get a Certificate IV in Training & Assessment at TAE Institute

At TAE Institute, we offer a wide variety of TAE courses from the TAE Training Package. We also have a wide selection of qualifications, workshops, skill sets, and individual units. And, we take pride in specialising the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

Start scaling up here with us at TAE Institute. If you want to experience quality training today, you may contact us on 1300 678 288. You may also reach us via email by sending us a message at [email protected]. And should you have any questions, you may address them via our contact page today!